Hi. I work Tuesday nights. Which stinks because I miss Tuesday night prayer with my woman/girl/bestest friend/mother/wesley Amber, and I miss one of my true loves---American Idol. I have, however, kept up to pace with that show via word of mouth and video clip on the World Wide Web. I, along with just about every other girl on the planet, have fallen for one kid---David Archuleta. Who wouldn't fall for a handsome 17 year old with the voice of an angel? Last night, as I lie on my couch (Yes, you did read right that I work EVERY Tuesday.. But I got a doctor's excuse so I got to stay home! :D ), the first man was up to date. He's cute and all, but I wasn't too impressed, but he did sing WHAM! so that's always cool. It was 80's night, by the way. Up next, was everyone's man David. Our faithful host Ryan Seacrest announced that he would be singing Phil Collins. Now, as most of you probably know, Joe Kessler (the emcee at MYC every year) often does a dance to the Phil Collins song "Another Day In Paradise," and I like imitating the dance and last week I even did it in front of the youth group as a favor for Lauren. I thought he would do this song, but then I thought it to be too slow, so I figured he would do "Groovy Kind of Love" or maybe even "True Colors." And he sat at the piano, and played the first few chords, and I knew what he was up to. Yup. He was in paradise. I obviously began to bounce/hop/hobble around and scream and point as if I had just won an Emmy. He is my new favourite, even though he was my favourite in the first place. I remember his audition! I liked him from the start when he sang good ol' John Mayer. I also like Danny (even though he's kinda freaky looking and, well, just to be save, OVERLY metero), because his voice isn't too bad and I like his hair.. Haha. And David Hernandez! Woo.
But Mister Archuleta... You have my vote!