
easy as 123.

A - Available or taken? Available, baby!!! w00t w00t.
B - Best friend(s)? My sister. And you.
C- Cake or pie? Pie or ice cream cake.
D - Drink of choice? Coffee.
E - Essential item you use every day? Toothbrush.
F - Favorite color? Black. Red. Grey. White.
G - Gummy bears or worms? Worms.
H - Hometown? Hibbing.
I - Indulgence? I'd rather not say. [thanks to Kran-Man for the definition]
J - January or February? February.
K - Kids and names? I had one named Duke. But he got depressed and killed himself.
L - Life is incomplete without? God, family, and friends.
M - Marriage date? April 25, 2015.
N - Number of siblings? Uno sisters.
O - Oranges or apples? Oranges.
P - Phobias or fears? Needles. Envelopes. Spiders.

Q - Favorite quote? If music be the food of love, play on.
R - Reason to smile? Because there's more to life than being really, really good looking.

S - Season? Late spring.
T - Tag three or four people. Natalie. Jennie. Kranny.
U - Unknown fact about me? I bet you never could've guessed this one... I love Lost!
V - Vegetable you don't like? Beets.
W - Worst habit? Not thinking before speaking.
X - X-rays? Head. Teeth. I think that's it.
Y - Your favorite food? I love pasta and breadsticks. And salad. OLIVE GARDEN!!!!!


Word of the day = IDIOT

p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to some pretty nice looking men.



Sometimes there are things in life that you would just prefer to not live or, if lived already, delete out of your memory. I can think of many times that are in that category, and some that are yet to come. One which I will not list, and the other eight billion have to do with English class.

I have done some stupid things, and I am in the middle of doing something stupid as of late. And I ask myself Why do things that aren't healthy [no, I'm not doing drugs] just to satisfy my own feelings? I know what God wants me to do... Why won't I listen?
And I keep asking myself that. Why won't I listen? It's not exactly UNHEALTHY. It could, perhaps, make me a bit wiser. But there's one more thing. People that I know now and one future person could possibly be effected by this stupidity of mine. Most of you probably know what I'm talking about now. There are some personal things relating to this, but I will not elaborate here. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, pray for me. Pray for me alot. And if I'm OBVIOUSLY doing something stupid, SMACK ME!!!




Welcome to 2007!
To celebrate the new year and the new version of Blogger, I have created this blog.
However, I will not be deleting the other for I like it too much.

Thanks for stopping.

An update coming soon.