
easy as 123.

A - Available or taken? Available, baby!!! w00t w00t.
B - Best friend(s)? My sister. And you.
C- Cake or pie? Pie or ice cream cake.
D - Drink of choice? Coffee.
E - Essential item you use every day? Toothbrush.
F - Favorite color? Black. Red. Grey. White.
G - Gummy bears or worms? Worms.
H - Hometown? Hibbing.
I - Indulgence? I'd rather not say. [thanks to Kran-Man for the definition]
J - January or February? February.
K - Kids and names? I had one named Duke. But he got depressed and killed himself.
L - Life is incomplete without? God, family, and friends.
M - Marriage date? April 25, 2015.
N - Number of siblings? Uno sisters.
O - Oranges or apples? Oranges.
P - Phobias or fears? Needles. Envelopes. Spiders.

Q - Favorite quote? If music be the food of love, play on.
R - Reason to smile? Because there's more to life than being really, really good looking.

S - Season? Late spring.
T - Tag three or four people. Natalie. Jennie. Kranny.
U - Unknown fact about me? I bet you never could've guessed this one... I love Lost!
V - Vegetable you don't like? Beets.
W - Worst habit? Not thinking before speaking.
X - X-rays? Head. Teeth. I think that's it.
Y - Your favorite food? I love pasta and breadsticks. And salad. OLIVE GARDEN!!!!!


midnight mama said...


Jenni said...

What happened to Z?

April 25, because it's not too hot, and it's not too cold. All you need is a light jacket :D

tootles! :)

Tongue lose thy light. Moon take thy flight. See ya George.

SuperStar said...

NICe! You are adorable! LOVE YOU!