
I'm not dead.

Here's a video from our last meal at camp this year. Obviously I had some difficulty. The audio stinks, and thank you Jenn for the video.

Sorry for the lack of posting. I've been blogging on other websites (i.e. Myspace). And, yes, I am ashamed.


Shainerz said...

yay for new posts! yahoo!

JC said...

Hey Brooke- I'm sure it will be Christmas by the time you read this...but I wanted you to know that I still have that pumpkin you gave me a long time ago! I have it currently sitting on my piano right now for fall. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you!

East said...


I just went to look at my blog today and reminesce from back when I used to blog. Man... I'm so lazy these days! I started a new one but I think myspace will probably win out... 'cause everyone here in Vegas seems to have myspace, which is disapointing...